ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries

June 13-17, 2011
Ottawa, Canada

Bringing Together Scholars,
Scholarship and Research Data

Hosted by the University of Ottawa

Extended Call for Papers

Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL 2011)
June 13-17, 2011 - Ottawa, Canada
Hosted by the University of Ottawa

Extended Call for Papers

The ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries is a major international forum focusing on digital libraries and associated technical, practical, organizational, and social issues. JCDL encompasses the many meanings of the term "digital libraries", including (but not limited to) new forms of information institutions and organizations; operational information systems with all manner of digital content; new means of selecting, collecting, organizing, distributing, and accessing digital content; theoretical models of information media, including document genres and electronic publishing; and theory and practice of use of managed content in science and education. Digital libraries are distinguished from information retrieval systems because they include more types of media, provide additional functionality and services, and include other stages of the information life cycle, from creation through use. Digital libraries also can be viewed as a new form of information institution or as an extension of the services libraries currently provide.

The theme for JCDL 2011 is "Digital Libraries: Bringing Together Scholars, Scholarship and Research Data", in recognition of the changes the digital age is now bringing to scholarship, broadly writ. Publishing models are changing, along with the breadth of digital material that must be managed coherently in the context of users forcing the move from information silos to a landscape of interconnected systems supporting scholarship for both research and education. Additionally in a number of disciplines we are seeing funding agency directives to include with primary scholarship those materials on which the scholarship is based such as data sets both in the sciences and humanities. Further, we are seeing more focus on requirements for managing data for use in the future by other scholars.

The intended community for this conference includes those interested in all aspects of digital libraries such as infrastructure; institutions; metadata; content; services; digital preservation; system design; scientific data management; workflows; implementation; interface design; human-computer interaction; performance evaluation; usability evaluation; collection development; intellectual property; privacy; electronic publishing; document genres; multimedia; social, institutional, and policy issues; user communities; and associated theoretical topics. JCDL welcomes submissions in these areas, and submissions associated with the JCDL 2011 theme of "Digital Libraries:Bringing Together Scholars, Scholarship and Research Data" are particularly welcome. The conference sessions, workshops and tutorials will cover all these aspects.

Participation is sought from all parts of the world and from the full range of established and emerging disciplines and professions including computer science, information science, data science, librarianship, data management, archival science and practice, museum studies and practice, information technology, medicine, social sciences, education and humanities. Representatives from academe, government, industry, and others are invited to participate.

JCDL 2011 will be held in Ottawa, Canada on the campus of the University of Ottawa. The program is organized by an international committee of scholars and leaders in the Digital Libraries field.  Several hundred attendees are expected for the five days of events including a day of cutting edge tutorials; 2 1/2 days of papers, panels, and keynotes; and 1 1/2 days of research workshops.

JCDL 2011 invites submissions of papers and proposals for posters, demonstrations, tutorials, and workshops that will make the conference an exciting and creative event to attend. As always, the conference welcomes contributions from all the fields that intersect to enable Digital Libraries. Topics include, but are not limited to:

  • Collaborative and participatory information environments
  • Cyberinfrastructure architectures, applications, and deployments
  • Data mining/extraction of structure from networked information
  • Digital library and Web Science curriculum development
  • Distributed information systems
  • Evaluation of online information environments
  • Impact and evaluation of digital libraries and information in education
  • Information and knowledge systems
  • Information policy and copyright law
  • Information visualization
  • Interfaces to information for novices and experts
  • Personal digital information management
  • Retrieval and browsing
  • Scientific data curation, citation and scholarly publication
  • Social networks, virtual organizations and networked information
  • Social-technical perspectives of digital information
  • Studies of human factors in networked information
  • Systems, algorithms, and models for data preservation
  • Theoretical models of information interaction and organization
  • User behavior and modeling
  • Visualization of large-scale information environments

Paper Submissions

Paper authors may choose between two formats: Full papers and short papers. Both formats will be included in the proceedings and will be presented at the conference. Both formats will be rigorously peer reviewed. Complete papers are required--abstracts and incomplete papers will not be reviewed.

Full papers report on mature work, or efforts that have reached an important milestone. Short papers will highlight efforts that might be in an early stage, but are important for the community to be made aware of. Short papers can also present theories or systems that can be described concisely in the limited space.

Full papers must not exceed 10 pages. Short papers are limited to at most 4 pages. All papers must be original contributions. The material must therefore not have been previously published or be under review for publication elsewhere. All contributions must be written in English and must follow the ACM formatting guidelines. Papers are to be submitted via the conference's easychair submission page:

All accepted papers will be published by ACM as conference proceedings and electronic versions will be included in both the ACM and IEEE Digital Libraries.

Poster and Demonstration Submissions

Posters permit presentation of late-breaking results in an informal, interactive manner. Poster proposals should consist of a title, extended abstract, and contact information for the authors, and should not exceed 2 pages. Proposals must follow the conference's formatting guidelines and are to be submitted via the submission link at the conference Web site. Accepted posters will be displayed at the conference and may include additional materials, space permitting. Abstracts of posters will appear in the proceedings.

Demonstrations showcase innovative digital libraries technology and applications, allowing you to share your work directly with your colleagues in a high-visibility setting. Demonstration proposals should consist of a title, extended abstract, and contact information for the authors and should not exceed 2 pages. Proposals must follow the conference's formatting guidelines and are to be submitted via conference's easychair submission page:  Abstracts of demonstrations will appear in the proceedings.

Panels and Invited Briefings

Panels will complement the refereed portions of the program with lively discussions of controversial and cutting-edge issues that are not addressed by other program elements.  Invited briefings will explain a topic of interest to those building digital libraries - they can be thought of as being mini-tutorials. We are not soliciting formal proposals for panels or invited briefings, but if you have an idea for one that you'd like to hear, please send email directly to the panels/briefings chair.

Tutorial Submissions

Tutorials provide an opportunity to offer in-depth education on a topic or solution relevant to research or practice in digital libraries. They should address a single topic in detail over either a half-day or a full day. They are not intended to be venues for commercial product training. Experts who are interested in engaging members of the community who may not be familiar with a relevant set of technologies or concepts should plan their tutorials to cover the topic or solution to a level that attendees will have sufficient knowledge to follow and further pursue the material beyond the tutorial. Leaders of tutorial sessions will be expected to take an active role in publicizing and recruiting attendees for their sessions.

Tutorial proposals should include: a tutorial title; an abstract (1-2 paragraphs, to be used in conference programs); a description or topical outline of tutorial (1-2 paragraphs, to be used for evaluation); duration (half- or full-day); expected number of participants; target audience, including level of experience (introductory, intermediate, advanced); learning objectives; a brief biographical sketch of the presenter(s); and contact information for the presenter(s).

Tutorial proposals are to be submitted in electronic form via the conference's easychair submission page:

Workshop Submissions

Workshops are intended to draw together communities of interest - both those in established communities and also those interested in discussion and exploration of a new or emerging issue.  They can range in format from formal, perhaps centering on presentation of refereed papers, to informal, perhaps centering on an extended round-table discussions among the selected participants.

Submissions should include: a workshop title and short description; a statement of objectives for the workshop; a topical outline for the workshop; identification of the expected audience and expected number of attendees; a description of the planned format and duration (half-day, full-day, or one and a half day); information about how the attendees will be identified, notified of the workshop, and, if necessary, selected from among applicants; as well as contact and biographical information about the organizers. Finally, if a workshop has been held previously, information about the earlier sessions should be provided -- dates, locations, outcomes, attendance, etc.

Workshop proposals are to be submitted in electronic form via conferences easychair submission page:

French Language Tutorials and Workshops

While the language of the conference is English, JCDL2011, in recognition of this year’s host community, will be accepting proposals for workshops and tutorials to be presented in the French language. These proposals must still be submitted in English (the language of the conference is English) in the manner described above. These proposals will be evaluated in the same manner as proposals for English language workshops and tutorials. You will state the workshop or tutorial is to be presented in the French language in your proposal and will include a French language title and description.

Doctoral Consortium

The Doctoral Consortium is a workshop for Ph.D. students from all over the world who are in the early phases of their dissertation work (i.e., the consortium is not intended for those who are finished or nearly finished with their dissertation). The goal of the Doctoral Consortium is to help students with their thesis and research plans by providing feedback and general advice on using the research environment in a constructive and international atmosphere.

Students interested in participating in the Doctoral Consortium should submit an extended abstract describing their Digital Library research. Submissions relating to any aspect of Digital Library research, development, and evaluation are welcomed, including: technical advances, usage and impact studies, policy analyses, social and institutional implications, theoretical contributions, interaction and design advances, and innovative applications in the sciences, humanities, and education.

Workshop proposals are to be submitted via the conference's easychair submission page:

Important notes for all Submissions

All contributions are to be submitted in electronic form via the JCDL 2011 submission Web page, following ACM format guidelines and using the ACM template. Please submit all papers in PDF format.

Some Important Dates

  • Full Papers, Workshops, Tutorials, and Panels submissions are due by EXTENDED to January 30, 2011 at 8pm PST (GMT -8) -- NOW CLOSED--
  • Short Papers, Posters, Demonstrations submissions are  EXTENDED to February 10, 2011 Midnight PST (GMT-8)
  • Notification of acceptance to authors by March 14, 2011
  • Doctoral Consortium Abstracts submissions are due by March 31, 2011

Conference Organizers (program elements)
Conference  Chair
  Glen Newton, Carleton University
Program Chairs:
  Mike Wright, National Center for Atmospheric Research
  Lillian Cassel, Villanova University
Doctoral Consortium Chairs
  Edie Rasmussen, University of British Columbia
  Luanne Freund, University of British Columbia
  Kazunari Sugiyama, National University of Singapore
Posters and Demonstrations Chairs
  Hussein Suleman, University of Cape Town
  Rob Sanderson, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Panels and Briefings Chair
  Rick Furuta, Texas A&M University
Tutorials Chairs
  George Buchanan, City University London
  Andre Vellino, University of Ottawa
Workshop Chairs:
  Seamus Ross, University of Toronto
  Michael L. Nelson, Old Dominion University