ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries

June 13-17, 2011
Ottawa, Canada

Bringing Together Scholars,
Scholarship and Research Data

Hosted by the University of Ottawa


Registration Step 1 of 2

After clicking the “Register” button below, the 1st of 2 registration steps will be confirmed on screen and by e-mail. 

The confirmation screen will provide a link to the University of Ottawa’s “General Store” where you will be required to select and pay for the JCDL 2011 Events you wish to attend.

NOTE:  each event in the shopping cart must be selected one at a time  and you will be returned to the main University “shopping events” list where you must select “Library” then “Events” for each subsequent addition to your shopping cart.

Events available for purchase will include:

  • Main conference (full and day registrations)
  • Tutorials
  • Workshops
  • Conference dinner (additional tickets)
  • Social event (hike in Gatineau Park)
Be sure to select all appropriate options.