Register and pay for one of these half-day tutorials via our Registration web page.
8:00 am - 17:30 pm Registration
8:45 am - 10:15 am Morning Tutorials
10:15 am - 10:30 am Break
10:30 am - 12:00 pm Morning Tutorials (cont.)
12:00 am - 13:30 pm Lunch Break (lunch not provided)
13:30 pm -15:00 pm Afternoon Tutorials
15:00 pm - 15:15 pm Break
15:15pm - 16:45 pm Afternoon Tutorials (cont.)
Monday June 13th (morning)
Lightweight User Studies for Digital Libraries George Buchanan Limited number of participants (20) |
Preservation Planning: which criteria matter, and how can we measure them? Christoph Becker Location: DMS 1150 |
Introduction to Digital Libraries Location: DMS 1160 |
User studies are useful tools for both researchers and practitioners. They offer a means of identifying user needs, responses to technologies and institutional values. In turn, the findings of such studies can shape the practical organization of an active digital library, or the design of DL software being built by a researcher. This tutorial will introduce those with little experience of performing user studies to a range of effective methods that assume little expertise. The goal of the tutorial is to equip each participant with techniques that they can quickly put to use in the field. |
The rapid technological changes in today’s information landscape have turned the preservation of digital information into a considerably challenge. Different mitigation strategies have been proposed to tackle this challenge. However, the selection of optimal preservation actions and tools poses significant challenges. The creation of a concrete plan for preserving an institution’s collection of digital objects requires the evaluation and assessment of possible candidate actions against clearly defined and measurable goals and criteria. Preservation planning aids in this decision making process to find the best preservation plan considering the institution’s requirements, the decision context and possible actions applicable to the objects contained in the repository. In this tutorial attendees will create a preservation plan on the basis of a representative scenario and receive an accountable and informed recommendation for a particular preservation action. Specifically, we will focus on the core step of requirements specification: Which are the criteria that differentiate solutions, and which actions are best-suited for a given scenario? We will discuss lessons learned from a range of completed case studies, analyze frequent misconceptions and work on specific scenarios, discussing alternative decisions that may be relevant in different settings. We will also take a look at measurability and discuss how criteria can be made objectively measurable and how an according framework can help to make these complex decision processes scalable. Additional information @ website |
Beginning around 1991, "digital libraries" emerged as a field that brings together researchers, developers, practitioners, students, and educators from a number of related communities. This tutorial provides a firm foundation for all those new to the area to catch up on key concepts and terminology, and to learn about services, systems, technologies, methods, standards, projects, issues, and practices. It will provide a thorough and deep introduction to the DL field. It will introduce and build upon a firm theoretical foundation (starting with the '5S' set of intuitive aspects: Streams, Structures, Spaces, Scenarios, Societies), giving careful definitions and explanations of all the key parts of a 'minimal digital library', and expanding from that basis to cover key DL issues. Illustrations will come from a well-chosen set of case studies. Complementing the coverage of '5S' will be an overview of key aspects of the DELOS Reference Model and the DL.org activities based in Europe.
This tutorial also may be of interest to those already involved in digital libraries, especially if they wish to organize/solidify their understanding and broaden their perspective. This tutorial naturally leads into the afternoon session on Guidelines and Resources, but is not a pre-requisite for that tutorial. |
Monday June 13th (afternoon)
Register and pay for one of these half-day tutorials via our Registration web page.
Building Library/Data Repositories with Islandora Location: DMS 1140 |
Designing User Studies in Informatics Location: DMS 1150 |
Guidelines and Resources for Teaching Digital Libraries Location: DMS 1160 |
This tutorial will provide a detailed overview of the open source Islandora framework, a general digital asset management system optimized for digital library and research data collections. Islandora combines Drupal and Fedora, creating a best-practice system for libraries and research-intensive institutions. Examples of rich digital library collections using a wide range of asset types and metadata will be showcased, as will research data repositories for stewarding a wide range of research data. The research examples include Virtual Research Environments, which are collaborative websites for distributed research communities. |
Over the years, there has been little focus on conducting user studies in most computing majors. This trend has significant consequences. At universities, students choose different projects that require ‘only’ a survey because they mistakenly think that survey research is easy. After graduation they see evaluation as a major hurdle in the system development life cycle. Many are overwhelmed by the variety of studies that can be conducted and their associated statistical analysis. Reviewers perform poor (or erroneous!) reviews of programs and studies because they do not understand the design of studies. Designers rely on effects that are untrustworthy because the study was not designed properly. Finally, many instructors in informatics do not include user studies in their courses because there is a lack of sufficient, high quality and comprehensive teaching materials to use as a base. And although few courses include this topic, quality journals and funding sources require it and all software would benefit from it. This tutorial will review what an experimenter who is serious about evaluating an information system, be it a student, developer or researcher, should pay attention to and why. It will focus on the controlled experiment, a study type that allows for causal conclusions. The tutorial will provide a refresher on experimental design, but also focus common mistakes to avoid and practical tips to execute the studies. There will be a set of introductory slides made available to the participants that they can adapt for their own teaching or evaluations. Additional information @ website http://web.cgu.edu/Faculty/leroy/ |
This tutorial targets those interested in self-study about digital libraries, or who are teaching courses or training programs about digital libraries. It will begin with pedagogical and curricular recommendations regarding both instructors and students. Results from an US National Science Foundation funded grant to develop DL curriculum (see http://curric.dlib.vt.edu/) will be presented, including descriptions (aimed at teachers and learners) of the more than 30 major modules and sub-modules that cover the core DL topics and related topics (e.g., those used to teach in both undergraduate and graduate courses at Virginia Tech). More than 10 of these modules are available on instances in the IBM Cloud, so related open source software and data can be utilized without installation and tailoring. Most of the modules have been reviewed, revised, field tested, and used at several locations. There also will be a brief demonstration of digital preservation visualizations being taught at the Digital Preserve island in Second Life (in connection with a small UNC-CH/VT NSF grant). The discussion will be tailored to the interests of the attendees. |