ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries

June 13-17, 2011
Ottawa, Canada

Bringing Together Scholars,
Scholarship and Research Data

Hosted by the University of Ottawa


Register and pay for one of these workshops via our Registration web page.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

13:30 pm - 15:00 pm Workshops
15:00 pm - 15:15 pm Break
15:15 pm - 16:45 pm Workshops

Friday, June 17, 2011

8:00 am - 9:00 am Continental breakfast
9:00 am - 10:30 am Workshops
10:30 am -10:45 am Break
10:45 am - 12:15 pm Workshops

Web Archive Globalization (Thu Jun 16 at 13:30 - Fri Jun 17 at 12:15)

Location:  DMS1160

Workshop website:

This workshop will bring together major players in Web archiving to identify the technological and sociological barriers in the way of universal, automated access to Web archives worldwide and to develop short and long-term goals for overcoming these barriers. We hope to enlist participants in showcasing ideas, tools, and methodologies that can assist in globalizing and integrating disparate web archives. Through plenum discussions and small group sessions, we hope to develop actionable research agendas and persuade interested students to join in our efforts.  

Digital Libraries – Beyond the Desktop (Thu Jun 16 at 13:30 - 16:45)

Location:  SMD222

Workshop website:

The wide adoption of mobile, small-screen devices and large-screen, table-top displays have broadened the digital as well as physical environments for accessing digital materials. This workshop aims to bring together researchers who are concerned with harnessing this digital design space, with its diverse device characteristics, in support of digital collections. Whilst particular focus has been given to using mobile devices for access to DL material by patrons, these technologies have potential relevance for all roles in digital libraries: curators, archivists, librarians, readers, etc. This workshop is intended to attract a broad audience by addressing the issues and challenges in the creation, development and maintenance of collections; system architectures; administration, access and management; user interfaces and requirements engineering, evaluation models, and policy implications for digital collections, and so on.

Semantic Web Technologies for Libraries and Readers (Thu Jun 16 at 13:30 - 17:00)

Location:  DMS1140

Workshop website:

While Semantic Web technologies are successfully being applied to library catalogs and digital libraries, the semantic enhancement of books and other electronic media is ripe for further exploration. Connections between envisioned and emerging scholarly objects (which are doubtless social and semantic) and the digital libraries in which these items will be housed, encountered, and explored have yet to be made and implemented. Likewise, mobile reading brings new opportunities for personalized, context-aware interactions between reader and material, enriched by information such as location, time of day and access history.

This half-day workshop, motivated by the idea that reading is mobile, interactive, social, and material, will be focused on semantically enhancing electronic media as well as on the mobile and social aspects of the Semantic Web for electronic media, libraries and their users. It aims to bring together practitioners and developers involved in semantically enhancing electronic media (including documents, books, research objects, multimedia materials and digital libraries) as well as academics researching more formal aspects of the interactions between such resources and their users. We also particularly invite entrepreneurs and developers interested in enhancing electronic media using Semantic Web technologies with a user-centered approach.

Disciplinary Repositories and Field-Specific Digital Libraries: Opportunities and Challenges in Digital Libraries (Thu Jun 16 at 13:30 - Fri Jun 17 at 12:15)

Location:  DMS1150

  • C. Lee Giles, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, USA
  • Salvatore Mele, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
  • Simeon Warner, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA

Workshop website:

Repositories of scholarly artifacts and in particular scientific articles are among the most talked about instances of digital libraries. Among those, a special class is of interest and presents particular opportunities and challenges: disciplinary repositories (DR). Disciplinary repositories are digital library collections that contain scientific documents (and in some case additional material) pertinent to a particular subject area.  The main difference with the prevailing model of repositories, i.e. institutional repositories, is that the corpus in a DR is inter-institutional in nature, rather than intra-institutional. Several DR have affirmed themselves as cornerstone of the scientific workflow of scholars of the areas, more successfully than broadband tools such as freely accessible Google Scholar or subscription based Web of Knowledge. The relatively vast user basis (sometimes all the scholars of a discipline) and the large corpuses (sometimes all the articles in a field) make DR particularly interesting to run social experiments in content recruitment, and deploying mining algorithms to offer new services. 

Preservation policy-based Infrastructure for digital library research environments (Thu Jun 16 at 13:30 - 16:45)

Location:  SMD226

Digital libraries provide scholars with the opportunity to conduct research in new research environments. Supporting evolving technologies, scholarship needs, and research requirements over the long term requires an efficient, flexible underlying infrastructure. According to Arms (2002), “The goal of interoperability is to build coherent services for users, from components that are technically different and managed by different organizations. This requires agreements to cooperate at three levels: technical, content and organizational.”1 The institutional support of such endeavors relies on the development of efficient data management policies which ensure trustworthiness and govern sustainability by attending to preservation components.  In response to the Joint Conference on Digital Libraries 2011 theme of “Digital Libraries: Bringing Together Scholars, Scholarship and Research Data”, we propose a half-day workshop that explores both the practical and philosophical challenges at work in developing policy-based preservation infrastructures for digital library research environments. Drawing on our work from key funded projects, including Distributed Custodial Archival Preservation Environments (DCAPE), Tucasi Infrastructure Project (TIP), and Policy-Driven Repository Interoperability (PoDRI), we will demonstrate policy-driven preservation approaches for managing both small-scale institutional collections and larger, federated, multi-repository research environments.  

Workshops cancelled:

  • Discovery through Visualization in large scale Digital Libraries