Tutorial 6: Building Digital Libraries on Service Oriented Architectures:
Challenges, Experiences, and Results
Full day
The tutorial discusses the core ideas of building digital libraries on
distributed infrastructures and the related architectural options. The main
part of the tutorial revolves around how core DL functionality like Digital
Library Management, Content and Collection Management, Metadata Management
and Brokering, Search and Retrieval and Advanced Services (Personalization,
Annotation, etc.) can be built by exploiting P2P and Grid technological
frameworks. For each of the topics the key challenges are discussed together
with possible solutions for the challenges and the lessons learned in
implementing these solutions in concrete projects. The solutions are
illustrated with concrete examples and demos from the projects DILIGENT,
BRICKS, and DELOS as well as from other DL-related projects.
Target Audience:
The tutorial is mainly targeted towards researchers and practitioners
that are working in the area of digital libraries, digital library
architectures, and innovative digital library services. Furthermore,
the tutorial will also be an opportunity for other players to gain
insights in the area of current developments in the area of next
generation digital library architectures and new applications of Grid
technology and the Peer-to-peer paradigm.
Level of experience required:
Introductory to intermediate.
Thomas Risse, L3S Research Center, Germany
Donatella Castelli, CNR-ISTI, Italy
Carlo Meghini, CNR-ISTI, Italy
Heiko Schuldt, Uni Basel, Switzerland
Claudia Niederée, L3S Research Center, Germany
Pasquale Pagano, CNR-ISTI, Italy
George Kakaletris, Uni Athen, Greece