ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries

June 13-17, 2011
Ottawa, Canada

Bringing Together Scholars,
Scholarship and Research Data

Hosted by the University of Ottawa

Conference Schedule

Pre-conference and Post-conference event links:

JCDL 2011 Conference events

Tuesday, June 14th

Regular JCDL attendees will notice that this year Demonstrations accompany the LUNCH on Tuesday and Posters accompany the RECEPTION on Tuesday evening. 

7:30 am - 17:30 pm Registration - DMS Lobby
8:00 am - 9:00 am Continental Breakfast

Tuesday June 14th - 9:00-10:00  Location:  UCU – Alumni Auditorium
Opening and Keynote

Leaving the Cathedral and Entering the Bazaar: Library and Archives Canada Engages Canada’s Digital Society
Keynote Speaker Daniel J. Caron

Drawing upon the title of the seminal book, The Cathedral and the Bazaar, which juxtaposes the cultures of commercial and open source software producers, this presentation repurposes the metaphor to explore the differences that arise when a national library like LAC transitions from an analog to a digital environment.  In short, while operating in an analog world Canada’s National Library executed its mandate in a cathedral- like organizational structure, a bricks and mortar monument to knowledge, characterized by a controlled, ordered, static, mediated, and monopolistic modus operandi.  However, transitioning into a digital landscape requires that Library and Archives Canada adapt its operations to the organic, dynamic, transactional, market-driven, transitory nature of cyberspace that is often represented by the notion of the bazaar.  In juxtaposing these two distinct social spaces, we will also present the unique particularities of a national library and explore the different manners in which the key functions of acquisition, preservation, and resource discovery are exercised.  Along the way, we ask the important question: how does a national library remain relevant when all the important determining factors in the field: business models, value propositions, intellectual property rights, user preferences, ICT, and available resources are in a state of dynamic change?  As well, in looking at the way ahead, how can libraries continue to fulfill their mandate of providing free and democratic access to information resources in an environment dominated by commercial information service providers that operate in a transnational sphere of activity?

10:00 am - 10:30 am Break

Tuesday, June 14th - 10:30-12:00 (three concurrent sessions)

Session 1
Automated methods to help our understanding of texts
Session chair: Edie Rasmussen
Location: DMS 1140

Session 2
Improving collection management
Session chair: Ron Larsen
Location: DMS 1150

Session 3
Approaches to preservation and archiving
Session chair: Seamus Ross
Location: DMS 1160

Paper (Full)
Measuring Historical Word Sense Variation nominee
David Bamman; Gregory Crane

Paper (Full)
Structure Extraction from PDF-based Book Documents
Liangcai Gao; Zhi Tang; Xiaofan Lin; Ying Liu, Ruiheng Qiu, Yongtao Wang

Paper (Short)
Word Order Matters: Measuring Topic Coherence with Lexical Argument Structure
Steve Spagnola; Carl Lagoze

Paper (Short)
Phrases as Subtopical Concepts in Scholarly Text
Asif-ul Haque; Paul Ginsparg

Paper (Full)
Game Development Documentation and Institutional Collection Development Policy
Megan A. Winget; W. Walker Sampson

Paper (Full) nominee
That's ‘é’ not ‘þ’ ‘?’ or ‘☐’: A user-driven context-aware approach to erroneous metadata in digital libraries
David Bainbridge; Michael B. Twidale; David M. Nichols

Paper (Short)
FRBR and Facets Provide Flexible, Work-Centric Access to Items in Library Collections
Kelley Mcgrath; Bill Kules; Chris Fitzpatrick

Paper (Short)
What do You Call it? A Comparison of Library-Created and User-Created Tags
Catherine Hall; Michael Zarro

Paper (Full)
Extending Digital Repository Architectures to Support Disk Image Preservation and Access
Kam Woods; Christopher A. Lee; Simson Garfinkel

Paper (Full)
Preservation Decisions: Terms and Conditions Apply - Challenges Misperceptions and Lessons Learned in Preservation Planning
Christoph Becker; Andreas Rauber

Paper (Short)
Ember: A Case Study of a Digital Memorial Museum of Born-Digital Artifacts
Paul Logasa Bogen II; Richard Furuta

Paper (Short)
SimDL: A Model Ontology Driven Digital Library for Simulation Systems
Jonathan Leidig; Edward Fox; Kevin Hall; Madhav Marathe; Henning Mortveit

12:00 pm - 14:00 pm Lunch and Demonstrations   Location:  UCU

Tuesday, June 14th - 14:00-15:30 (three concurrent sessions)

Session 4
Methods for extracting new order from analyzing content and use
Session chair: Ed Fox
Location: DMS 1140

Session 5
Finding web content again – is it possible?
Session chair: Luanne Freund
Location: DMS 1160

Big Data! Big Deal?

Chair:J. Stephen Downie

Location: DMS 1150

Paper (Full)
Eliminating the Redundancy in Blocking-based Entity Resolution Methods
George Papadakis; Ekaterini Ioannou; Claudia Niederée; Themis Palpanas; Wolfgang Nejdl

Paper (Full)
Detecting and Exploiting Stability in Evolving Heterogeneous Information Spaces
George Papadakis; George Giannakopoulos; Claudia Niederée; Themis Palpanas; Wolfgang Nejdl

Paper (Short)
Classification of User Interest Patterns Using a Virtual Folksonomy
Ricardo Kawase; Eelco Herder

Paper (Short)
Tags in Domain-Specific Sites - New Information?
Jeremy Steinhauer; Lois M. L. Delcambre; David Maier; Marianne Lykke; Vu H. Tran

Paper (Full) nominee
Archiving the Web using Page Changes Patterns: A Case Study
Myriam Ben Saad; Stéphane Gançarski

Paper (Full)
On Identifying Academic Homepages for Digital Libraries
Sujatha Das; Lee Giles; Prasenjit Mitra; Cornelia Caragea

Paper (Short)
How Much of the Web Is Archived?
Scott G. Ainsworth; Ahmed AlSum; Hany SalahEldeen; Michele C. Weigle; Michael L. Nelson

Paper (Short)
Rediscovering Missing Web Pages Using Link Neighborhood Lexical Signatures
Martin Klein; Jeb Ware; Michael L. Nelson

Panel Moderator:
J. Stephen Downie
, Associate Professor, Graduate School of Library and Information Science,
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign


"The HathiTrust Research Center"
Robert McDonald, Associate Dean of Libraries,
University of Indiana at Bloomington

"Structural Analysis of Large Amounts of Musical Information"
Ichiro Fujinaga
Associate Professor, Schulich School of Music, McGill University

John Unsworth, Dean and Professor, Graduate School of Library and Information Science, University of Illinois at Urban-Champaign

15:30 pm - 15:45 pm Break

Tuesday, June 14th – 15:45-16:45 (two concurrent sessions)

Session 6
First, the News followed by Art Beat
Session chair: Sally Jo Cunningham
Location: DMS 1160

Session 7
How understanding rights impacts access and use
Session chair: Tamara Sumner
Location: DMS 1150

Paper (Short)
That’s News to Me: The Influence of Perceived Gratifications and Personal Experience on News Sharing in Social Media
Long Ma; Chei Sian Lee; Dion Hoe-Lian Goh

Paper (Short)
Facilitating Content Creation and Content Research in Building the "City of Lit" Digital Library
Haowei Hsieh; Bridget Draxler; Nicole Dudley; Jim Cremer; Lauren Haldeman; Dat Nguyen; Peter Likarish; Jon Winet

Paper (Short)
Towards A New Reading Experience via Semantic Fusion of Text and Music
Ling Zhuang; Zhenchao Ye; Jiangqin Wu; Feng Zhou; Jian Shao

Paper (Short)
Indexing Musical Pieces Using their Major Repetition
Benjamin Martin; Pierre Hanna; Matthias Robine; Pascal Ferraro

Paper (Full) nominee
The Ownership and Reuse of Visual Media
Catherine C. Marshall; Frank M. Shipman

Paper (Full)
Using National Bibliographies for Rights Clearance
Nuno Freire; Andreas Juffinger

17:00 pm - 20:30 pm Minute Madness, Poster sessions, Reception  Location:  Tabaret Hall

17:00 – Networking and mingling
17:30 – Minute madness (poster presentations)
18:00 – Poster viewing and voting
19:00 – Poster voting closes
19:30 – Awards
20:30 – Reception ends

Wednesday, June 15th

8:00 am - 17:30 pm Registration - DMS Lobby
8:00 am - 9:00 am Continental Breakfast

Wednesday, June 15th - 9:00-10:00  Location:  UCU – Alumni Auditorium
Data Narratives: Telling Stories with Data
Keynote Speaker Joan Morris DiMicco

What is a story? In a classic sense, a story has characters, events, and a progression. Now what if the story involves data? How can data visualization support telling a story? Can visualization tools help data storytellers construct narratives?

Storytelling with data is a new way of thinking about data visualization designed for mass appeal, which emphasizes the communicative intent of visualization, rather than simple mass appeal. A visualization can be viewed in terms of its intended message, the characters and events within the data, and the intended progression the audience can take through the visualization. Additionally, an effective story can be understood by different audiences with varying levels of expertise with the material.

My talk will discuss this concept of telling stories with data through examples of visualization research going on at IBM Research.


10:00 am - 10:30 am Break

Wednesday, June 15th - 10:30-12:00 (two concurrent sessions)

Session 8
On the formality, or not, of annotations
Session chair: Lee Giles
Location: DMS 1150

Session 9
Show me a new way to view and discover
Session chair: Gary Marchionini
Location: DMS 1160

Paper (Full) nominee
SharedCanvas: A Collaborative Model for Medieval Manuscript Layout Dissemination
Robert Sanderson; Benjamin Albritton, Rafael Schwemmer; Herbert Van de Sompel

Paper (Full)
Use of Subimages in Fish Species Identification: A Qualitative Study
Uma Murthy; Lin Tzy Li; Eric Hallerman; Edward A. Fox; Manuel A. Pérez-Quiñones; Lois M. Delcambre; Ricardo da S. Torres

Paper (Short)
Persistent Annotations Deserve New URIs
Abdulla Alasaadi; Michael Nelson

Paper (Short)
Semantically Augmented Annotations in Digitized Map Collections
Rainer Simon; Bernhard Haslhofer; Werner Robitza; Elaheh Momeni

Paper (Full)
Integrating Implicit Structure Visualization with Authoring Promotes Ideation
Andrew M. Webb; Andruid Kerne

Paper (Full)
Visualizing Collaboration Networks Implicit in Digital Libraries using OntoStarFish
J. Alfredo Sánchez; Ofelia Cervantes; Alfredo Ramos; María Auxilio Medina; Juan Carlos Lavariega, Eric Balam

Paper (Short)
A Link-based Visual Search Engine for Wikipedia
David Milne; Ian H. Witten

Paper (Short)
Supporting Revisitation with Contextual Suggestions
Ricardo Kawase; Eelco Herder; George Papadakis

12:00 pm - 13:30 pm
  Lunch (boxed)  Location: DMS Lobby
  Open meeting  Location: DMS 1160

Wednesday, June 15th - 13:30-15:00 (two concurrent sessions)

Session 10
Author linkages, a necessary foundation for collaboration
Session chair: Kazunari Sugiyama
Location: DMS 1140

Session 11
Improving impact by understanding users’ information needs and strategies
Session chair: Cathy Marshall
Location: DMS 1160

Paper (Full)
CollabSeer: A Search Engine for Collaboration Discovery
Hung-Hsuan Chen; Liang Gou; Xiaolong Zhang; C. Lee Giles

Paper (Full) nominee
Resolving Author Name Homonymy to Improve Resolution of Structures in Co-author Networks
Theresa Velden; Asif-ul Haque; Carl Lagoze

Paper (Short)
Ranking Authors in Digital Libraries
Sujatha Das; Prasenjit Mitra; C. Lee Giles

Paper (Short)
Comparative Evaluation of Text- and Citation-based Plagiarism Detection Approaches using GuttenPlag
Bela Gipp; Norman Meuschke; Joeran Beel

Paper (Full) nominee
Understanding Digital Library Adoption: A Use Diffusion Approach
Keith E. Maull; Manuel Gerardo Saldivar; Tamara Sumner

Paper (Full)
In the Bookshop: Examining Popular Search Strategies
George Buchanan; Dana Mckay

Paper (Short)
World vs. Method: Educational Standard Formulation Impacts Document Retrieval
Byron Marshall; René Reitsma

Paper (Short)
Automating Open Educational Resources Assessments: A Machine Learning Generalization Study
Heather Leary; Mimi Recker; Andrew Walker; Philipp Wetzler; Tamara Sumner; James Martin


15:00 pm - 15:30 pm Break

Wednesday, June 15th – 15:30-17:00 (two concurrent sessions)

Session 12
Continuing the work on improving recommendation
Session chair: J. Alfredo Sánchez
Location: DMS 1160

Session 13
Can domain practice inform better digital library query interaction?
Session chair: Andruid Kerne
Location: DMS 1140

Paper (Full)
A Social Network-Aware Top-N Recommender System using GPU
Ruifeng Li; Yin Zhang; Haihan Yu; Xiaojun Wang; Jiangqin Wu; Baogang Wei

Paper (Full)
A Source Independent Framework for Research Paper Recommendation
Cristiano Nascimento; Alberto H. F. Laender; Altigran S. da Silva; Marcos André Gonçalves

Paper (Short)
Serendipitous Recommendation for Scholarly Papers Considering Relations Among Researchers
Kazunari Sugiyama; Min-Yen Kan

Paper (Short)
Product Review Summarization from a Deeper Perspective
Duy Khang Ly; Kazunari Sugiyama; Ziheng Lin; Min-Yen Kan

Paper (Full)
Do Graphical Search Interfaces Support Effective Search for and Evaluation of Digital Library Resources?
Kirsten R. Butcher; Sarah Davies; Ashley Crockett; Aaron Dewald; Robert Zheng

Paper (Full)
Taking Chemistry to the Task – Personalized Queries for Chemical Digital Libraries
Sascha Tönnies; Benjamin Köhncke; Wolf-Tilo Balke

Paper (Short)
Physics Pathway: A Digital Library Filled with Synthetic Interviews
Michael G. Christel; Scott M. Stevens; Dean Zollman

18:00 pm -21:00 pm Conference Dinner    Location:  new Ottawa Convention Centre

18:00 – Conference Dinner and Awards

  • Vannevar Bush Best Paper Award
  • Best Student Paper Award

21:00 – Conference Dinner ends

Thursday, June 16th

8:00 am - 17:30 pm Registration - DMS Lobby
8:00 am - 9:00 am Continental Breakfast

Thursday, June 16th – 9:00-10:15 (two concurrent sessions)

Session 14
Methods Improving information extracted from collections
Session chair: Lillian Cassel
Location: DMS 1150

Session 15
Dealing with data repositories; approaches and issues  to consider
Session chair: Rudi Schmiede
Location: DMS 1160

Paper (Full)
A Metadata Geoparsing System for Place Name Recognition and Resolution in Metadata Records
Nuno Freire; José Borbinha; Pável Calado; Bruno Martins

Paper (Full)
Event Detection with Spatial Latent Dirichlet Allocation
Chi-Chun Pan; Prasenjit Mitra

Paper (Short)
A New Video Text Detection Method
Jie Yuan; Baogang Wei; Weiming Lu; Lidong Wang

Paper (Full)
Retrieval and Exploratory Search in Multivariate Research Data Repositories using Regressional Features
Maximilian Scherer; Jürgen Bernard; Tobias Schreck

Paper (Full)
A Research Agenda for Data Curation Cyberinfrastructure
Carl Lagoze; Karin Patzke

Paper (Short)
When Use Cases Are Not Useful: Data Practices, Astronomy, and Digital Libraries
Laura Wynholds; David S. Fearon Jr; Christine L. Borgman; Sharon Traweek

10:15 am - 10:45 am Break

Thursday, June 16th - 10:45-12:00   Location:  UCU – Alumni Auditorium
Closing and Keynote
Keynote Speaker Christopher R. Barnes

Innovative design, science, and data management in NEPTUNE Canada: the world’s first regional cabled ocean observatory network

Christopher R. Barnes, Mairi M. R. Best, Fern R. Johnson, Lucie Pautet and Benoît Pirenne
NEPTUNE Canada, University of Victoria, P.O. Box 1700, Victoria, BC, Canada V8W 2Y2;;

The advent of the first cabled ocean observatories, with several others being planned, demonstrates the challenges in their design, installation and operation for innovative ocean science and applications. NEPTUNE Canada (NC) is the world’s first regional cabled ocean observatory, located in the northeast Pacific Ocean, off British Columbia’s coast. Installation of the subsea infrastructure and 60 diverse instruments was completed in 2009, with 40 more added in 2010; another 30 instruments will be deployed in 2011-12. The observatory is characterized by abundant power and high bandwidth communications to allow investigation of a wide range of ocean environments as well as providing discrimination between short and long-term events, interactive experiments, real time data and imagery, and complex multidisciplinary teams interrogating a vast database over the observatory’s 25-year design life. Initial data flow started in December 2009, with over 10TB of data and video imagery archived to date. NC, within Ocean Networks Canada, has attracted $100M for installation and over $45M for operations; the facility operated with 45 core staff supporting scores of participating scientists across Canada and at international institutions.

The scientific priorities established through a series of workshops defined the location of the observatory node sites. Alcatel-Lucent Submarine Networks (France) was the prime contractor and designed, manufactured and installed the 800km backbone cable and five nodes (stepping 10kV DC down to 400V DC). Node sites are located at the coast (Folger Passage), continental slope (ODP 889; Barkley Canyon), abyssal plain (ODP 1027), and ocean-spreading ridge (Endeavour) in water depths of 100-2660m.  Principal scientific themes are: plate tectonic processes and earthquake dynamics; dynamic processes of seabed fluid fluxes and gas hydrates; regional ocean/climate dynamics and effects on marine biota; deep-sea ecosystem dynamics; and engineering and computational research.

A 10Gbps network backhaul link from the Port Alberni shore station to the University of Victoria’s data centre, mostly funded through a CANARIE award. A disaster-recovery site has been arranged in Saskatoon where a complete copy of all the data from NC and VENUS are hosted and where a secondary access to many of the services is available. The Data Management and Archive System (DMAS) provides controls for the observatory network and transparent access to other data providers using interoperability techniques within a Web 2.0 environment. Users can perform data visualization and analysis on-line with either default or custom processing code, as well as simultaneously interacting with each other. Oceans 2.0 is adding tools to perform software-aided feature detection and classification of sounds in acoustic data streams. After its first year of operation, NC has over 9000 registered users representing over 130 counties. The DMAS system supports the instruments of both the VENUS coastal and NC regional networks. It has already recorded billions of individual measurements from hundreds of sensors placed on the seabed and archived them in a database management system and/or in a file server. New knowledge and scientific interpretations are addressing important science applications of the observatory: ocean/climate change, ocean acidification, recognizing and mitigating natural hazards, non-renewable and renewable natural resources.

Challenges are considerable: technical innovations, enlarging the user base, management, funding, and maximizing educational/outreach activities. Socio-economic benefits are substantial: not only the transformation of ocean sciences but with many applications in sectors such as sovereignty, security, transportation, data services, and public policy. Opportunities for commercialization of technologies and data services/products are being facilitated by the Centre of Enterprise and Engagement ( within Ocean Networks Canada (, which manages the NC and VENUS networks (;

Cabled ocean observatories are transforming the ocean sciences and will result in a progressive wiring of the oceans. They are designed to be expandable in footprint, nodes and instruments, and the range of scientific questions, and to provide facilities for testing technology prototypes. They will provide a wealth of new research opportunities and socio-economic benefits.

  Figure 1:  NEPTUNE Canada cabled ocean observatory network showing 800km backbone cable route, node locations, Port Alberni shore station, and Victoria data centre.